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Boy, looks an awful lot like MY office. My prob isn't OCDD, it ADD, which means I'm constantly in a state of disorganization! I'm trying to just close my eyes and throw away the clutter.

Suburban Homestead

Well, that photo WAS taken after the tear down began. I never actually WORKED in such clutter, no of course not. ;) The downsizing is cathartic I must say. Exhausting though as I feel that everything must go somewhere other than the dump.

Betty - Uncorded Curtain Poles

I feel I've the same disorder but my laziness is making it worse. I need to take a month of work just to get a room done which makes me wonder who is going to help feed the family. Can't wait to see your garage once it's finished though. All the best!


It definitely requires a makeover so that it turn to a le-living room!

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