I adore the Dry Creek General Store. It's just that simple.
Established in 1881, and still going strong 130 years later, this place is the quintessential modern day general store. Lucky for me, we drive past it every time we leave, and return, to our summer rental.
Their shelves are lined with locally produced treats from the folks at places like Happy Girl Kitchen (the folks who taught me how to can!!!) and Kiki's Treats (chocolate covered graham crackers, anyone?), to name a few. Mixed in with the edibles are unique gifts that any homesteader would be proud to give, and/or love to receive.
The deli, with it's freshly prepared gourmet foods of locally grown, organic meats and produce, has yet to disappoint. The menu is extensive, the countertop - overflowing, and if you can forgive the less than enthusiastic staff, you're going to really enjoy yourself.
Today we stopped by for lunch and (woops!) ended up staying for dessert: fresh, homemade "Italian donuts".
They were incredible. Much more dense than what we know as an American donut, they came sprinkled with superfine sugar and a hint of citrus.
I was thrilled to spot some jars of my favorite Verde Olive Oil Body Balm by McEvoy Ranch. (It was displayed between a rack of old school candy bars and hardcover coffee-table-worthy books on farm life.) I grabbed a couple jars to have on hand for future hostess gifts while fighting the urge to purchase the latest edition of Extraordinary Chickens.