Have you ever seen the inside of a quince before?
Wait...let's back up. Do you even know what a quince looks like on the outside?
People always ask me that - "What is a quince?!"
I got lucky again last week when there *arose* the *opportunity* for me to visit a family friend's house and pick fresh, organic quince and persimmons from her picture-perfect trees. (OK, fine, I rang her up and begged). Both trees serve as stunning focal points in her front yard. Her back yard is a beach on the bay.
You are correct in allowing your jaw to drop.
Anywho...I'm guessing I grabbed close to thirty pounds of exotic fruit before heading home to make a batch of Little Miss Who's favorite jelly.
When I think of quince, or olives, totally inedible fruits in their purest, raw state, I wonder how anyone ever figured out how to make them edible.
Here's what quince looks like minutes after being cut - brown.
But after all the work is done, quince makes the prettiest colored, and most wonderful tasting jelly. (Click here for recipe.)
As for those persimmons, I took a grocery bags worth home and adorned my windowsills with them, where they could ripen enough for me to puree them for baking.
This day last year: "Getting My *Persimmon* On"