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ruthe woods

are you kidding me?!?! first of all - i love kate AND you!!! what amazing, talented ladies you are!! i could not have had more fun hanging with you ladies last friday and i am STILL enjoying those cookies. i am selfishly trying to make them last as long as possible... thank you for coming. thank you for the blog. i hope to see you both soon!!! xoxo


Ok, so I do have a mole (think Cindy Crawford) that will occasionally sprout, but I'm not admitting anything about the strength of my pelvic floor! Can't wait for our Cookie Clinic! We just have to wear our new jewels while decorating!!! Love you, OLD friend!!!


Having been fortunate enough to partake of many of Kate's baked goods for years, I can testify that their taste is even more amazing than their beauty. She is an artist! I've had a birthday eight ball and a wedding cookie in my freezer for ages, just want to save them forever!!


Those cookies and cakes look amazing! how talented Kate is!

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