Daddy got a new gadget at the iPhone store.
It’s called the iGrill and it comes with a tiny iProbe that meatsits your dinner while you go off and enjoy your friends and family. When your meal has come to temp, the iProbe tells the iGrill, which tells your iPhone to tell you to come back to the heat and take all the credit for a job well done.
And we thought we had it made with an electrical thermometer fork!! We tried it out last night with friends and it worked great. More importantly, they brought their Boston over and we forced a doggie playdate on the girls. (Although, now that I think of it, there may have been a little teeth gnashing involved.)
Ruby was so flippin' sweet and so INCREDIBLY cute, I wanted to take her for our own.
Here's where we ate our iMeat after we fed the kiddos their iFish: