Easter has always been one of my top two favorite celebrations - next to Halloween. That is, of course, until the "The Holidays" roll around and then those takes pole position... OK, I guess I just like any excuse to celebrate with family.
Whenever possible, I try to host an Easter brunch. The front lawn at our old house just begged for small kids and stuffed plastic eggs. It was usually an event for family and neighbors, two years ago I got very brave and it got even bigger - an egg-ceptional afternoon I will never forget! Last year we were on a road-trip for Easter, so I was excited to get back to tradition this year at the new house. Knowing I would be traveling for work all of last week, I kept it to just family this time, and gave a shout out for help. Everyone brought a dish (or two!) which made the whole thing managable with little time for me to prepare.
All the cousins (on my side) are growing up so fast and this year I had to threaten retribution to get some of the big kids to participate in the hunt (so as not to make the other kids feel tinier than they already are).
It takes some planning to find egg stuffers that meet the satisfaction of kids aged 3 - 13. I always do some candy, but I also stuffed eggs with things like 18" bendy pencils, mini tape dispensers, unusual hair bands, moustache stickers, etc. I love the challenge and am on the lookout for good fillers all year long.
Hope you had a great holiday weekend!