When visitors come up to the cabin, they often bring with them something special to contribute to our time together: a horseshoe game, a couple loafs of banana bread, some jars of canned treats from their garden back home. All of them mean something special to us, but I wanted to share my absolute favorites to date - some photos of the landscape, as well as a sweet poem.
The images here were taken over the weekend by our good friend (and former neighbor), Peter G. He loves photography as much as I do but has a much better grasp of the technical side. These images of the river and super moon were taken using a technique called HDR - High Dynamic Range. It's basically when you take one exact shot at varying exposures, then merge them all together so that the best lighting attributes from all images come together into one very intense image. You can see more of Peter's work here.
And then there is this sweet poem from *Vince*, a very special sort of Thank You after a long, Thanksgiving weekend last year:
Heavy traffic and a few winding twisting roads,
Deliver us to a place far away, yet so very close
Warm knotty pine ceilings and cool granite tops,
Sounds of the river flowing and an occasional champagne bottle "pop"
Warm turkey wrapped with bacon and mashed potatoes galore,
Corn bread with mushrooms... who could ask for anything more?
Mornings with strong coffee and cool cloudless skies,
Finding interesting curly bugs and studying a chopper that doesn't fly
Lively discussions and games without personal attacks,
Debates about politics, presidents, and voting democrats
A holiday weekend with family but without the ringing phone,
Far away from work and cities, but certainly not alone
We watched the bouncing kids and few happy wagging tails...
Had some driveway walks and explored where there are no people trails
For me, a rare holiday, that ended too fast and was gone way too soon...
We can't express enough thanks for the family, the food, and the warm wonderful room!