The Phantom Tollbooth "This ingenious fantasy centers around Milo, a bored ten-year-old who comes home to find a large toy tollbooth sitting in his room. Joining forces with a watchdog named Tock, Milo drives through the tollbooth's gates and begins a memorable journey. He meets such characters as the foolish, yet lovable Humbug, the Mathemagician, and the not-so-wicked "Which," Faintly Macabre, who gives Milo the "impossible" mission of returning two princesses to the Kingdom of Wisdom."
9:30 – 3:00 Homeschool in the Forest
3:30 - 6:00 Our usual pick-up of friend's daughter ended with us going back to our house for art, instead of library time. This kids get crafty on their own, building a beanie babies house out of cardboard and graphic duct tape. And that counts as art class to me. :)
TUESDAY - Veteran's Day - No PreK for Tiny Buns
9:00 - 12:00 Big kids go to Language Arts and Math/Drawing out Arithmetic classes for homeschoolers. Math class consists of four students (two 2nd grades, and two 4th graders). Language arts is just three students, but content is delivered at appropriate grade level for each, while being in-line with their specific interests.
12:00 - 2:00/3:00 Open studio art class for homeschoolers. Tiny Buns is THRILLED to joins his big sister and brother as it is Veteran's day and his school is closed. Imagine a fully stocked open room and the freedom to create whatever you want. The 10yo started weaving his first basket, Beanie constructed a dollhouse out of foam core, TB does mosaic.
2:15 - 3:15 Music for the 10yo (Beanie and Tiny Buns stay late at art)
8:30 - 9:30 Family tennis lesson. We all agree - it's super fun banging balls around.
10:00 - 11:00 Family Spanish class. Progress is starting to show.
11:45 - 12:45 7yo science class (while 10yo bake and play)
Report from instructor:
"potential energy - the amount of stored up energy with the ability to do work
1:00 - 4:00 Tiny Buns does PreK
1:00 - 2:00 Beanie's poetry class
1:00 - 2:30 10yo's science class
Report from instructor:
"This week, we constructed a clay model of the heart that included the four chambers, valves, and vessels. Next week, we will paint the model to show the flow of oxygen through the heart.
8:15 - 9:15 Daddy takes 10yo to math tutor
9:00 - 10:30 Beanie has FIRST private art class! We love the results!
9:30 – 3:00 Homeschool 4-wheel drive - the 10yo's second day a week in nature. Run by the same organization as Monday's class, this group happens have only boys enrolled at this time, which I love. It's great to see them just go off a wild adventure with a great male leader. This week the boys were taken out to a state park where they volunteered to hand-pull an invasive species/weed.
1:00 - 4:00 PreK for Tiny Buns
1:15 - 2:15 French immersion for Beanie.
3:45 - 4:45 Soccer for Beanz
The 10yo stays up late working on his Tinker Crate project - a monthly gift from his Nana.
We have a lazy Friday and skip any ideas of adventuring out. Instead we do our usual Spanish class, 9-10,
and then make candy wrapper art and snap circuits.
We all four bike Tiny Buns to school 1:00 - 4:00 and then the big kids and I stop at the grocery store to buy ingredients for dinner.
Daddy took the two big kids camping with three other dads Saturday night. Tiny Buns and I got some time alone with his grandmas.
Playing bingo with Gamma
Sunday night's etiquette class!
As I always like to say: Don't overestimate the education your kids get in school, and don't ever, ever underestimate the education you give them at home and on the weekends!